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會計學系 | CityU Postgraduate Admissions
2024-12-04 03:18余揚新教授. 3442-7962 ( 直線) /3442-7760 ( 一般查詢) 3442-0349. [email protected]. Research in accounting covers a broad spectrum of issues in the areas of financial accounting, auditing, and corporate governance. The major foci in the department include: (1) various accounting issues related to Debt Contracting such as debt ...
Department of Accountancy | City University of Hong Kong
11-Apr-2024. AC Alumni Dinner on 22 March 2024: "Welcome Home: A Night of AC Alumni Reunion and Reminiscence". 12-Mar-2024. Prof. Forester Wong Joins the Department of Accountancy. 12-Mar-2024. Two Publications Co-authored by Prof. Forester Wong Cited by the SEC in its Final Rule: Short Position and Short Activity Reporting by Institutional ...
BBA Accountancy | CityU Admission - City University of Hong Kong
專業會計方向專注于提供會計專業的知識和職業技能。 ... This scheme prepares our students, both mentors and mentees, to be responsible citizens at City University and in Hong Kong, and to become future business leaders. It aims to cultivate a strong sense of belonging to the Department of Accountancy and City University by ...
MSc Professional Accounting and Corporate Governance | CityU ...
Entrance Requirements. For Professional Accounting Stream, applicants must: hold a non-accounting degree from a recognised university; or. hold an equivalent qualification acceptable to CityU. For Corporate Governance Stream, applicants must: hold a degree from recognised universities or professional membership from recognized institutions; or.
BBA Accountancy - College of Business, City University of Hong Kong
專業會計方向專注于提供會計專業的知識和職業技能。 ... This scheme prepares our students, both mentors and mentees, to be responsible citizens at City University and in Hong Kong, and to become future business leaders. It aims to cultivate a strong sense of belonging to the Department of Accountancy and City University by ...
Prof. CHEN Yi Chun (陳怡君教授) | Department of Accountancy
13-215, Lau Ming Wai Academic Building, City University of Hong Kong. Phone +852 34425675. Fax +852 34420349. Email. [email protected] Public CV. View. Research Areas. Financial Intermediaries; Corporate Social Responsibility; Disclosure Regulation. Qualifications. PhD - Accounting (Hong Kong University of Science & Technology)
City University of Hong Kong - Programmes Offered - JUPAS
BBA Accountancy students are eligible to apply for the following joint degree programme: Joint Bachelor's Degree Programme between City University of Hong Kong and National Taiwan University. Career Prospects. The Department of Accountancy facilitate students' acquisition of the qualifications and skills you need for career advancement in ...
BA (Hons) Accounting | CityU SCOPE
此外,她亦希望修讀會計課程以提升會計方面的專業能力,有助於未來事業的發展,增加在行內晉升及發展的機會,所以便報讀了此課程。 此課程不但是香港學術及職業資歷評審局確立為本地認可的海外銜接學位課程,更達到 HKQF Level 5,亦同時獲香港會計師 ...
各種會計軟件系統簡介. 簡易會計系統. 數據記錄及處理. 會計報告及財務報表. 4. 電子商務會計的應用 (30小時) 資訊科技與會計的融合. 良好的會計慣例、商業道德及社會責任. 業務發展的趨勢.
各種會計軟件系統簡介. 簡易會計系統. 數據記錄及處理. 會計報告及財務報表. 4. 電子商務會計的應用 (30小時) 資訊科技與會計的融合. 良好的會計慣例、商業道德及社會責任. 業務發展的趨勢.
Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Business Administration in Accountancy ...
法律學學士與工商管理學士(會計) JUPAS Admission. Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission. International Admission. Mainland Non-Gaokao Admission. Image. Academic Year of Entry. 2024/2025. Admission Code. ... • CityU Scholarships for Hong Kong Talents are available to JUPAS and Non-JUPAS entrants. Useful Links. School of Law College of Business
香港城市大學(CityU)基本收生要求:「332233」,即中文、英文達到DSE3級水平,數學、通識達到2級水平;其中兩科選修科亦需達到3級水平 大部分課程的收生要求採取「4+2」的標準,即4科主科的成績,加上2個選修科成績的總分數。
【集思廣益】香港邊間大學讀account好d? - 學術台 - 香港高登討論區
其實你讀完account都係想入big4 三大邊間根本就無分別 不如你睇下你鐘意邊間學校多啲 至於cityu同poly,佢地兩個jupas既收生都好唔同,前者係college base,姐係入到去仲要衝gpa簡major,但好處係你仲有機會接觸其他bba既major諗清楚自己鐘意咩;後者係直接入去,所以 ...
會計學系 相關鏈接 校網課程資料 EDGE 課程目錄 學系網站 學系開辦之其他GE課程 ... 本網站與香港城市大學 (City University of Hong Kong, CityU) 並無任何關連。 Powered by 0xBlanc. Version 關於我們 聯絡我們 開發日誌
葉穎彤. 在「電子商務會計」中,我了解到各行業的商業模式、明白到財務會計和成本會計的定義、亦學習了會計軟件的使用方式,為未來工作打好基礎。. 課程亦提供了不少活動及講座,例如會計師公會的生涯規劃、會計軟件Xero簡介與應用,引起了我對會計的 ...
Prof. CHEN Yi Chun (陳怡君教授) | City University of Hong Kong
Conference Papers; Chen, Yi-Chun / Economic Consequences of Mandatory Bail-in.August 2019; 103rd American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, AAA 2019, 10/08/2019 - 14/08/2019, San Francisco , United States.
Majors - City University of Hong Kong
Aims of Major. The Major in Accountancy aims to provide an active learning environment in which students can develop knowledge of accounting and inter-related business disciplines and enrich the broader skills and values essential for members and leaders of the accountancy profession in Hong Kong and the Greater China region.
MA International Accounting | CityU Postgraduate Admissions
Course Description. Core Courses (21 credit units) Students are required to take the following 7 core courses (3 credit units each). Accounting Information Systems. Advanced International Financial Accounting. Advanced Taxation. Corporate Governance. International Financial Management. International Financial Statement Analysis.
School of Continuing and Professional Education | CityU SCOPE
Cohort 2022. The SDU aspires to enhance well-rounded development of CityU SCOPE Full-time students. Our services comprise the following six domains: CityU SCOPE was established in 1991 and is a pioneer and provider of quality and life-long education in Hong Kong.
Jon Lo Homepage -
Jon Lo Homepage. I am currently an associate professor at Department of Mathematics at City University of Hong Kong. Before joining CityU in 2015, I worked as a postdoctoral fellow at Mathematical Biosciences Institute at the Ohio State University My mentors for my postdoctoral training are Avner Friedman (Mathematics, OSU), Ching-Shan Chou ...
MSc Accounting and Finance with AI and Fintech Applications* [Taught in ...
The aim of this programme is to help advance the future career prospects of middle-level accounting and finance managers by furthering their knowledge in advanced accounting and finance topics in line with the contemporary trend in artificial intelligence and financial technology applications, and providing them with opportunities to gain insights on senior leadership attributes and capacity ...
Wing Cheong LO - CityU Scholars | A Research Hub of Excellence
Dr. Jon Lo received his PhD in Mathematics from University of California, Irvin e in 2011. Before joining CityU in 2015, he worked as a postdoctoral fellow at Mathematical Biosciences Institute (MBI), the Ohio State University. He is particularly interested in mathematical and computational analysis of biological systems.
以下是財政司司長陳茂波今日(六月二十九日)在會計專業發展基金十五周年會議的致辭: 王松苗秘書長(中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區聯絡辦公室秘書長王松苗)、Edwin(會計專業發展基金主席楊志偉)、Nelson(審計署署長林智遠教授)、Betty(中華電力有限公司主席阮蘇少湄)、Janey(會計及 ...
如欲了解更多城大商學院的資訊,請瀏覽 關於澳洲會計師公會 澳洲會計師公會是全球最大的專業會計團體之一,在100多個國家和地區擁有超過170,000名會員,其中大中華地區的會員超過22,200名。