NQ Solicitors - About the Service
2024-12-04 01:44About the Service. NQSolicitors.com is a discreet online matching platform that allows Trainee Solicitors and Newly Qualified Solicitors to create an anonymous Candidate Profile which can be matched with private practice law firms who are looking to hire for specific vacancies at NQ - 4 PQE. Candidates can register with the site and create a ...
Junior Corporate Lawyer Hong Kong NQ - 3PQE - Law.asia
Both Hong Kong and US qualification will be considered. Native Mandarin and fluent English is a must. Ref: ABLJ8858. Contact details. Email: [email protected]. Phone: +852 2537 7890. APPLY NOW. An international law firm is actively looking for a junior corporate associate with solid HK IPO experience in Hong Kong.
How being an NQ differs from life as a trainee - Legal Cheek
Even as an NQ, there is still that sense of togetherness with your former trainee group, spanning across the firm's various departments. At Mayer Brown's London office, you get quite a lot of ...
NQ即係過咗兩年training 啱啱拎牌做律師. 塵沙惑2020-07-24 17:37:45. 好幸福 retain幾多?. P牌波波球2020-07-24 17:47:04. 聽講全部trainee都留喎. 姜太公八十遇文王2020-07-24 17:55:02. 今年得一半。. P牌波波球2020-07-24 17:59:27. 其他人去邊.
【香港律師】Local Firm轉City Firm 機會有幾大? - StealJobs.com 優越工作情報網
必須注意: 今時今日,由於競爭激烈,NQ 的interview 很可能有 Written Test,以及competence based questions。 傾15分鐘背景就請人的年代已經遠去。(除非你爸爸是Law Firm的大客) 你可能感興趣: Local firm 律師行老闆最愛做的10件事. 2) Local firm NQ律師如何加入City Firm? 答:
Zhong Lun Law Firm 中倫律師事務所 Associate (NQ) 收入
工時合理: "正常日子: 10:00am - 8:00pm 繁忙日子:10:00 am- 11:00pm "- Anonymous 20.3.2019 [Email verified] "正常日子: 10:00am - 5:30pm 繁忙日子:9:00 am- 7:00pm (very rare) "- Anonymous 8.7.2016. 晉升前景: "Depends on department"- Anonymous 20.3.2019 [Email verified] " Trainees大部份都會retain做Associates, 但係近年請多左 ...
律師職系 Solicitor Grade | CSRADAR
律師職系預計薪酬中位數為$131,710,晉升後可達$247,200,立刻瀏覽最新人工、投考人數、晉升階梯、空缺數目等資訊,讓你掌握職系資訊 (最後更新: 2023-01-25)
律師人工 - 法律 Law - 香港討論區 Discuss.com.hk - 香討.香港 No.1
一個30歲嘅律師 月入6萬 正唔正常? 香港討論區 ... NQ: double trainee amt or around 1.5 x trainee amt, so NQ ifirms already 80k-10k I.e. assume u grad around 24 years old -> PQE4ifirm/reputable local firms would exceed 60k by a large margin ...
Zhong Lun Law Firm 中倫律師事務所 Associate (NQ) 收入
工時合理: "正常日子: 10:00am - 8:00pm 繁忙日子:10:00 am- 11:00pm "- Anonymous 20.3.2019 [Email verified] "正常日子: 10:00am - 5:30pm 繁忙日子:9:00 am- 7:00pm (very rare) "- Anonymous 8.7.2016. 晉升前景: "Depends on department"- Anonymous 20.3.2019 [Email verified] " Trainees大部份都會retain做Associates, 但係近年請多左 ...
How being an NQ differs from life as a trainee - Legal Cheek
Even as an NQ, there is still that sense of togetherness with your former trainee group, spanning across the firm's various departments. At Mayer Brown's London office, you get quite a lot of ...
律師人工 - 法律 Law - 香港討論區 Discuss.com.hk - 香討.香港 No.1
一個30歲嘅律師 月入6萬 正唔正常? 香港討論區 ... NQ: double trainee amt or around 1.5 x trainee amt, so NQ ifirms already 80k-10k I.e. assume u grad around 24 years old -> PQE4ifirm/reputable local firms would exceed 60k by a large margin ...
【香港律師】Local Firm轉City Firm 機會有幾大? - StealJobs.com 優越工作情報網
必須注意: 今時今日,由於競爭激烈,NQ 的interview 很可能有 Written Test,以及competence based questions。 傾15分鐘背景就請人的年代已經遠去。(除非你爸爸是Law Firm的大客) 你可能感興趣: Local firm 律師行老闆最愛做的10件事. 2) Local firm NQ律師如何加入City Firm? 答:
做緊In house律師既入一入黎 - 上班台 - 香港高登討論區
PQE3 都嫌你green 啦仲要NQ 再者你做邊科先,如果要對返街外律師,咪盞俾人當羊祜咁舞 有D七碌in-house好正架, 成個秘書咁乜都唔使識 上市公司既可能搵下precedent出公告通函就得 麻煩少少既野就搵返出面律師樓做 我都想做呢D
How being an NQ differs from life as a trainee - Legal Cheek
Even as an NQ, there is still that sense of togetherness with your former trainee group, spanning across the firm's various departments. At Mayer Brown's London office, you get quite a lot of ...
有ifirm offer先算 local trainee同NQ個價減一半就差唔多 ... 識一個廿年前黎到香港讀city u既大陸佬,佢而家已經做到大陸一間大律師樓partner,係香港有幾層樓 . Carbolic 2020-03-03 18:07:56. 早兩三年前大型local>EO ...
Newly Qualified (NQ,就是剛剛執業) ... 他總結了做律師的幾個優勢:1.律師是一個永遠能學到新知識的職業。2.律師所接觸的事物往往是非常新鮮的事物,許多新業務甚至是聞所未聞、見所未見或者一般人不曾想過的問題。 【CLECSS 1553】新一代律師的英語水平怎樣?
About the Law Society - Law Society of Hong Kong
伍律師事務所: Address (English) SUITE 2201, 22/F, AUSTIN PLAZA, 83 AUSTIN ROAD, KOWLOON HONG KONG: Address (Chinese) 香港 九龍柯士甸道83號 柯士甸廣場22樓2201室: Telephone: 2668-2121: Fax: 2668-3312: E-mail: [email protected]: Staff; Sole Practitioner: NG WAI KIT 伍偉傑 : Consultant(s) IP WAI KEE 葉瑋璣
Junior Corporate Lawyer Hong Kong NQ - 3PQE - Law.asia
Both Hong Kong and US qualification will be considered. Native Mandarin and fluent English is a must. Ref: ABLJ8858. Contact details. Email: [email protected]. Phone: +852 2537 7890. APPLY NOW. An international law firm is actively looking for a junior corporate associate with solid HK IPO experience in Hong Kong.
King & Wood Mallesons 金杜律師事務所 Associate Salary 收入
收入 Income: "NQ 年資 Years of experience:1-3年/ 1-3 Years - Anonymous - 27.8.2019 [Email verified] "NQ 年資 Years of experience:1-3年/ 1-3 Years
律師人工年薪百萬「小兒科」? | Indeed.com 香港
根據 律政司網站 上的資料,政府律師的入職薪酬為 總薪級表 的第32點,即每月70,465港元,之後最多可升至第44點,即每月110,170港元。. 根據該網站資料,政府律師一般可在幾年內升上高級政府律師,人工就更加不得了。. 高級政府律師人工在總薪級表第45至49點 ...
律師是否仍然是理想職業 - 自由講場 - Baby Kingdom - 親子王國 香港 討論區
Local 細firm trainee 大約2萬5, NQ最多近4 ... 要入行,最好自己父母係開律師樓….一係,本身個人好叻,都唔使屋企人有開律師樓,就會一入入外資行,朋友個女五年前HKU llb畢業,當然有考pcll, 未讀完書已經有人請,一開始已經近50,000人工,而家佢收人係$7000一個鐘 ...
大chinese local firm nq 通常幾多人工?(頁 1) - 法律 Law - 香港討論區 (純文字版本)
25位律師以上既我叫做"大" ant76 2010-6-4 22:56. in the range 25-35k. 頁: [1] 查看完整版本: 大chinese local firm nq 通常幾多人工?
Lawyer Jobs in Hong Kong (Updated Daily) | Jobsdb
Legal Compliance Counsel. China Unicom (Hong Kong) Operations Limited. Tsim Sha Tsui, Yau Tsim Mong District. $25,000 - $34,999 per month. Generalists - In-house. (Legal) 5-day work, from 9am to 530pm. Performance bonus. Group medical and festival allowances.
Zhong Lun Law Firm 中倫律師事務所 Associate (NQ) 收入
工時合理: "正常日子: 10:00am - 8:00pm 繁忙日子:10:00 am- 11:00pm "- Anonymous 20.3.2019 [Email verified] "正常日子: 10:00am - 5:30pm 繁忙日子:9:00 am- 7:00pm (very rare) "- Anonymous 8.7.2016. 晉升前景: "Depends on department"- Anonymous 20.3.2019 [Email verified] " Trainees大部份都會retain做Associates, 但係近年請多左 ...
Deacons 的近律師行收入 • 收入 - 7/10 7/10 • 工時合理 - 8/10 8/10 • 晉升前景 - 7/10 7/10 • 快樂指數 - 7/10 7/10 收入:"NQ: 月收入 $70,000" - Anonymous 16.9.2016"Associate : 月收入 $65,000 NQ1" - Anonymous 9.8.2016"Trainee : 跟market定期review" - Anonymous 1.8.2016"Trainee: 月收入 Around 44k, stick to international scale ...
Hogan Lovells 律師行收入 - pcllconversionexpert.com
NQ後27日年假Annual leave" - Anonymous 12.12.2016. ... "頂級英國Silver Circle律師行,晉升前景一流,離開的trainee通常去其他UK firms。" - Anonymous 12.12.2016.
Kennedys Law Salary 肯尼狄律師行收入 - StealJobs.com 優越工作情報網
Kennedys Law Salary 肯尼狄律師行收入. "Trainee 年資 Years of experience:0年 / Fresh Grad. 月收入 Monthly Income Salary:1st Year Trainee: HK$35,000; 2nd Year Trainee: HK$40,000; NQ: HK$65,000" - Anonymous - 28.7.2019. "Trainee 1: 月收入 HK $40,000 Trainee 2: 月收入 HK $43,000.
ONC 柯伍陳律師事務所 Salary 收入 - StealJobs.com 優越工作情報網
ONC 柯伍陳律師事務所 Salary 收入. 收入:. " Trainee: 月收入 (年資 0年 / Fresh Grad) $30,000-35,000″ - Anonymous 21.5.2018. "Associate: 月收入 International rate + bonus + commission "- Anonymous 28.3.2017. "Associate: 月收入 $50,000+ "- Anonymous 25.3.2017. "" Trainee: 月收入$32,000 - $35,000 ...