【主題單字】Lawyer和Attorney有什麼區別?來學學法庭專業英文用詞及常見對話! | Engoo線上英文

    2024-09-21 03:37

    Attorney 辯護律師. 在口語上,尤其是美式英語, "attorney" 和 "lawyer" 通常是無異,可以交互使用,. 但要細分的話,lawyer 可以只提供法律諮詢,不一定要出庭;. 而 "attorney" 則是真的出庭辯護的那位律師。. 【例句】. He hired a high-profile attorney. 他雇用了知名 ...


    Commonly Used Legal Vocabularies in Courts and Litigation Procedures

    44. 45. 駐法院家庭暴力事件服務處強制調解(審前調解)確認婚姻無效婚姻關係存在確認婚姻關係不存在. Domestic Violence Cases Service Center. compulsory mediation (pre-trial mediation)confirm the nullification of a marriage existence of a marriage confirm the nonexistence of a marriage. 574. 46. 夫妻同居 ...