【主題單字】Lawyer和Attorney有什麼區別?來學學法庭專業英文用詞及常見對話! | Engoo線上英文

    2025-02-16 19:18

    Attorney 辯護律師. 在口語上,尤其是美式英語, "attorney" 和 "lawyer" 通常是無異,可以交互使用,. 但要細分的話,lawyer 可以只提供法律諮詢,不一定要出庭;. 而 "attorney" 則是真的出庭辯護的那位律師。. 【例句】. He hired a high-profile attorney. 他雇用了知名 ...

    律師 英文 lawyer

    律師 | 繁體中文-英文翻譯-劍橋字典 - Cambridge Dictionary

    a : a defense attorney 辯護律師. counsel uk / ˈkaʊn.səl/ us / ˈkaʊn.səl/ C2 noun specialized. one or more of the lawyers taking part in a legal case: The judge addressed counsel. 法官向律師問了話。. counsellor uk / ˈkaʊn.səl.ər/ us / ˈkaʊn.səl.ɚ/ C2 noun mainly UK US. a lawyer: I don't think that question is relevant ...

    Attorney, lawyer, barrister和solicitor有什么区别 - 法律英语翻译

    可能没有哪个职业的抬头会像'律师'这样分得这么细。在法律英语中,Attorney, lawyer, barrister和solicitor这几个词被使用的比较频繁,有时候它们之间甚至可以互换。. 不过这些词每个都有自己独特的含义。. 1. Attorney 或者 attorney-at-law, 中文意思是 律师 或者 法律 ...

    LAWYER中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典 - Cambridge Dictionary

    lawyer翻譯:律師。了解更多。 示例中的觀點不代表劍橋詞典編輯、劍橋大學出版社和其許可證頒發者的觀點。

    律師的英文怎麼說?Lawyer, Attorney, Counselor 傻傻分不清楚!-Lily 練英文 / 加拿大留學|痞客邦

    是對於律師這個職業的統稱。. 凡是經過相關法律培訓並取得律師執照的人都可以被稱為Lawyer,它只代表一種職業。. Attorney One or more lawyers who represent a client. 是律師被客戶僱傭後的一種稱呼。. Attorney本身有代理人的含義,也就是說客戶授權律師代表自己,為自己 ...

    ATTORNEY中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典 - Cambridge Dictionary

    ATTORNEY翻譯:律師。了解更多。 To a certain extent, the journal created an imagined professional community composed of the growing socio-professional class that included judges, public prosecutors, attorneys and clerks.

    律師 in English - Chinese-English Dictionary | Glosbe

    Translation of "律師" into English. lawyer, barrister, attorney are the top translations of "律師" into English. Sample translated sentence: 律師警告過他的當事人反對作證, 但是他還是這麼做了。. ↔ The lawyer warned his client against testifying, but he did it anyway. 律師 noun. + Add translation. Chinese-English ...

    lawyer - WordReference.com 英汉词典

    lawyer n (legal professional) SC Simplified Chinese 律师 lǜ shī TC Traditional Chinese 律師 : Ben went to law school to become a lawyer. 为了成为一名律师,本去就读了法学院。 lawyer⇒ vi: US (work as lawyer) SC Simplified Chinese 从事律师行业 : After graduating with a law degree, Pippa began lawyering for a firm in ...

    lawyer (【名詞】律師 )意思、用法及發音 | Engoo Words

    一位律師強調「權利不是一夕之間就被拿走的。 瀏覽教材. Harmony Bogda is a lawyer and was one of the organizers of the protest. ... Engoo提供學員學習英文的服務。雖然學員可自習研讀這些課程教材,但建議與老師一起練習。

    Law, Lawyer and Law Firm的准确用法 - 法律英语翻译

    三、Law Firm - 律师事务所. 在2000年以前,在不少地方的律师事务所的名片上都可以看到"*** lawyer's office",这种用法在英文中根本没有,它让人感受的意思,是律师办公地点,即我们称的"律师楼"。. 而现在内地律师事务所的英文所名均采用"***law firm ...

    律師 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

    律師 (英語: lawyer )是指受 當事人 委托或 法院 指定,依法協助当事人进行 诉讼 ,出庭辩护,以及处理有关 法律 事务的专业人员。. 現代律师一般而言是指學習法律、通過資格考試及(或)訓練、加入地方公會,被允許接受他人委託。. 律师作为复数的概念 ...

    出庭律師 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

    出庭律师 [1] (英語: barrister ;barrister-at-law;bar-at-law)又称 诉讼律师 、 訟務律師、大律师或高級律師 [2] ,是一些國家和地區兩種 律師 的其中一種(另一種是 事務律師 [ Solicitor ],即「 小律師 」),大多在使用 普通法 制度國家或地區(包括 澳大利亚聯邦 ...

    LAWYER中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary

    lawyer翻译:律师。了解更多。 示例中的观点不代表剑桥词典编辑、剑桥大学出版社和其许可证颁发者的观点。

    律師 attorney | | EnglishOK 中學英閱誌

    而談到律師,一般先想到的都是到法院出庭的辯護律師(defense attorney);其實除了官司訴訟,平日生活中也有借重律師之處,像是法律諮詢、擬訂合約、商標及著作權認證等等,都是需要律師進行見證,或協助提供專業建議。. 有人建議我們在簽約前先洽詢律師 ...

    律師的英文有哪些說法? - 每天學英文單字

    律師的英文最常見的說法是 lawyer,在英式英語和美式英語中都通用,Lawyer 指的是具有法律 專業 資格,並能夠為他人做司法 代理的人。. 在美式英語中,attorney 也可以用來指律師,Attorney 的意思是代理人,在法律 領域特指具有出庭 資格的律師,在美國有時候會看到 "Attorney at Law",表示這個人是執業 ...

    Victor Cheng - California and Taiwan - Foreign Law Expert

    He is one of a few attorneys with combined legal experience in California and Taiwan. Mr. Cheng has served as an expert consultant and testifying witness for matters involving Taiwan law and U.S. law as well as matters involving legal documents written in Chinese and/or English. Mr. Cheng has had extensive experience in handling disputes in U.S ...


    attorney, lawyer, counsel, advocate. 这些名词均含有"律师"之意。 attorney :主要用于美国,指代理当事人处理遗嘱检验等法律事务的律师,有时可与lawyer通用,泛指辩护律师。; lawyer :普通用词,指精通法律规则并有权以法律代理人或顾问身份在法庭上执行法律或为委托人服务的人。


    1. 意外傷害麥克雷力律師事務所 KILLACKEY LAW OFFICES APC. (626) 281-4900 網址. 200 S. Garfield Ave., #108, Alhambra, CA 91801. 598 贊 8 評 1 圖. 麥克雷力多年被Pasadena雜誌評為最佳腦部及人體傷害訴訟律師。. 執業至今已獲得超過數千萬以上的賠償,率極高。. 2.

    LAWYER在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯 - Cambridge Dictionary

    LAWYER的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. someone whose job is to give advice to people about the law and speak for them in court: 2…。了解更多。

    律師英文_律師英文怎麼說 - 查查綫上翻譯

    當律師 practice as a lawyer; 請律師 engage a lawyer; 律師代理權 power of attorney; 律師公費 legal expenses; 律師費 counsel fee; 律師留置權 lawyer's lien; 律師事務所 law office; 律師協會 bar association. "attorney律師" 英文翻譯 : attorney attorney. "(聘用)律師" 英文翻譯 : engage. "大律師 ...


    理鷹律師事務所─耿懿芝律師(KEN, CATHERINE, ATTORNEY AT LAW)電話:(626) 821-8757,地址:805 W. Duarte Rd., #104,Arcadia CA 91007,營業時間:MON-FRI(9-6),還有理鷹律師事務所─耿懿芝律師詳細介紹,用戶評論等更多信息。 ... 英文升學輔導 課後輔導 中文學校 音樂學校 音樂器材 ...

    Attorneys — Freund Legal

    JONATHAN D. FREUND. Mr. Freund is the founder of Freund Legal. He counsels wealthy individuals, senior executives and major corporations, entertainers and entertainment companies on strategic issues in addition to representing their interests in the courtroom. He is adept at solving complicated puzzles and is known as a problem solver.

    律师 | 简体中文-英语翻译——剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary

    a : a defense attorney 辩护律师. counsel uk / ˈkaʊn.səl/ us / ˈkaʊn.səl/ C2 noun specialized. one or more of the lawyers taking part in a legal case: The judge addressed counsel. 法官向律师问了话。. counsellor uk / ˈkaʊn.səl.ər/ us / ˈkaʊn.səl.ɚ/ C2 noun mainly UK US. a lawyer: I don't think that question is relevant ...